Monthly Archives: August 2016

Loudoun CPS – The Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS)


A parent who plants the seed of false allegations of abuse is also planting the seeds of the Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS).  The term Parental Alienation Syndrome was developed by Dr. Richard Gardner to describe the circumstances that he observed in high conflict divorce cases. PAS is completely and totally rejected by Loudoun County Child Protective Services, their training completely and totally dismisses it. It is generally accepted by mental health professionals.


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Loudoun CPS is the pro-abuse crowd, they are going to believe any claims of sexual abuse.  It is worth noting that the hierarchy within Loudoun CPS is essentially all females.  This  includes Sandra Glenney of the Loudoun County Attorney’s office, Ellen Grunewald (Director of Loudoun CPS ) and Laurie Warhol of Loudoun CPS.

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