Monthly Archives: July 2017

Loudoun CPS – The local agency needs an audit

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The case of Martinez Torres highlights one critical need of Loudoun CPS. The agency needs an independent audit.  The agency lives under a cover of darkness. The public has very little insight into how the agency works.  There is a perception that the agency consists of good guys but in reality the agency is in disarray. The case of Martinez Torres illustrates this.

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Loudoun CPS – The abysmal failure continues

martinez torres

Please take note of the latest failure of Loudoun CPS, Martinez Torres who is accused of killing a Muslim  teenager in Loudoun County.  How are Torres and Loudoun CPS related? Please refer to the article by Tom Jackman of the Washington Post. It represents the issue with Loudoun County Child Protective Services, it is more than incompetence it is ignorance.

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