Monthly Archives: February 2018

Loudoun CPS – Suggestibility/Confabulation

As you navigate your case with CPS, you attorney must be familiar with the works of Dr. Maggie Bruck and Dr. Stephen Cici.  Also familiarize yourself with Child Suggestibility and buy the book Jeopardy in the Courtroom.

Always, always subpoena the therapist’s notes.

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Loudoun CPS – Their psychologists have quite a history


The comedy and farce that is Loudoun County Child Protective Services cannot generate victims without the use of psychologists and psychiatrists, not any kind but special ones. The mental health professional must validate the claims of CPS. Unfortunately, the field of psychology and psychiatry has a troubled past.  The mental health profession has an extremely checkered past, organizations such as CPS are nothing more than a revenue stream for incompetent psychologists.

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