Author Archives: admin

Loudoun CPS – It is rotten to the core Sandra Glenney and Laurie Warhol



When it comes down to it, Laurie Warhol and Sandra Glenney are simply not equipped to be in their position.  They are allegedly the gatekeepers for Loudoun County Child Protective Services, which is a travesty. Any document that originates from their desk and email written by either person should be disregarded.

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Loudoun CPS – The child masturbation argument


Sandra Glenney loves to talk about child masturbation in the Courtroom. Dr. Mary Lindahl loves to talk about child masturbation in the Courtroom.   Glenney will file affidavits that the child is masturbating. Dr. Lindahl will testify in Court that the child is masturbating.  The accusing parent  will testify that the child is masturbating.  This is a very frequently used trick by Glenney, all she ever does in the Courtroom are cheap parlor tricks.

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Loudoun CPS – The fraudulent PTSD diagnosis


The PTSD diagnosis is a simple and outdated trick the Sandra Glenney uses to win her cases.

It is simple, her hand-picked psychologists will testify or provide a written report that the child is suffering from PTSD. The implication being that abuse is the traumatic event that triggered the PTSD. The Frances Ballard case exemplifies why this tactic is not allowed in real Courtroom. To our chagrin it is allowed in Loudoun.

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Loudoun CPS – Suggestibility/Confabulation

As you navigate your case with CPS, you attorney must be familiar with the works of Dr. Maggie Bruck and Dr. Stephen Cici.  Also familiarize yourself with Child Suggestibility and buy the book Jeopardy in the Courtroom.

Always, always subpoena the therapist’s notes.

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Loudoun CPS – Their psychologists have quite a history


The comedy and farce that is Loudoun County Child Protective Services cannot generate victims without the use of psychologists and psychiatrists, not any kind but special ones. The mental health professional must validate the claims of CPS. Unfortunately, the field of psychology and psychiatry has a troubled past.  The mental health profession has an extremely checkered past, organizations such as CPS are nothing more than a revenue stream for incompetent psychologists.

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Loudoun CPS – The Corruption goes back decades


The above newspaper clipping is quite interesting, back during the time of the  infamous McMartin scandal one of the prosecutors saw through the fiction of the case and came to the conclusion that the accused were innocent.  We do not have this problem in Loudoun County.  As long as Sandra Glenney is roaming free in Loudoun, all false claims of abuse will be believed.  Please understand that she starts from the premise that abuse occurred and will only search for evidence that supports her belief.  She is a relic of the Satanic Panic.

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Loudoun CPS – Record all of the meetings with CPS

It is critical to record , video or audio. of all your meetings with Child Protective Services in Loudoun. Using Benjamin Smith as an example, the typical worked is biased and poorly trained. You want to get them on tape.


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Loudoun County CPS – After you been contacted by CPS

Quick 10 min podcast with suggestions for attorneys, this is critical you have a small amount of time to find an attorney before your first attorney.

CPS , aka Sandra Glenney does not play fair, your attorney needs to know this. It is important to keep calm and keep your head.

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Loudoun CPS Podcast – The Bruce McLaughlin Case

The Bruce McLaughlin case is an example of the incompetency and dishonesty within Loudoun County. The details of the case can be found at the following web site   The site has a very good body of research for you and your attorney.




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