Category Archives: Dr. Mary Lindahl

Sandra Glenney – Hearsay Testimony



I am fully aware that Sandra Glenney is no longer an employee of Loudoun County. Her fingerprints still remain.  Her strategy leveraged alleged expert testimony, her experts scrape the bottom of the barrel.  I will say it again and again, no reputable therapists would ever testify for Loudoun County Child Protective Services.

Your attorney will need to prohibit the introduction of hearsay testimony. Why do this, simply because Glenney’s expert will speak for your child. This will be through the prism of her chosen therapists. You nor your attorney will have idea whether or not the therapist statements are truthful.

Other changes in legal procedures are even more far reaching.  The recent tendency to permit younger and younger children to testify by relaxing or amending the requirements for competency, and/or the use of closed circuit television (Spiegel, 1986) are two examples.  Another is the recent tendency of prosecutors to bring cases to criminal court which in the past might never have been pursued.  Even more disturbing is the stretching of hearsay laws, which now make admissible certain testimony from parents or professionals and/or the use of proxy testimony by an adult in the event the child is found not to be competent.  In most cases, however, it is the adversarial process itself which is most problematic for the expert witness.

It is very possible for your case to proceed without your child ever speaking a word in Court. Your attorney must stop this. Your attorney must be aggressive and willing to fight.  Your child will be interviewed countless times by Glenney’s chosen expert.


We all know Sandra Glenney was extremely dishonest and her experts  surpassed that dishonesty.



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Sandra Glenney and her witches coven


The therapists that employed by Sandra Glenney are akin to a witches coven; no one can get it and  you must conform to their beliefs. Have you ever wondered why Sandra Glenney tries so hard to appoint the therapist in a case or recommends a certain therapist. The below snippet will explain why.

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Loudoun CPS – The child masturbation argument


Sandra Glenney loves to talk about child masturbation in the Courtroom. Dr. Mary Lindahl loves to talk about child masturbation in the Courtroom.   Glenney will file affidavits that the child is masturbating. Dr. Lindahl will testify in Court that the child is masturbating.  The accusing parent  will testify that the child is masturbating.  This is a very frequently used trick by Glenney, all she ever does in the Courtroom are cheap parlor tricks.

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Loudoun CPS – Politics of Child Abuse


The above book “Politics of Child Abuse in America” which is a highly recommended read, precisely describes the Child Protective Services as an industry, it is an industry.  It pays quite a few people, most notably Sandra Glenney, the social workers and the psychotherapists that it employs. Due to Federal matching funds it is a lucrative industry. By every definition it is an industry, a very corrupt industry. The book adroitly points out that psychotherapists tend to gain the most. They tend to gain the most at the expense of innocent children and parents to pad their pockets.

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Loudoun CPS – Sandra Glenney doesn’t know the research



Generally speaking, defeating Sandra Glenney in court should be somewhat simple. Glenney doesn.t  any of the research.  The case of Margaret Kelly Michaels exemplifies what is wrong with the Child Protective Service industry and it is an industry. The following link does a great job of describing the case, it is actually a judicial ruling.  The following is a critical statement from the ruling:

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Sandra Glenney – Dr. Joyanna Silberg, Lorrie Sinclair


The following video , “In the Name of Satan”, discusses the subject of Satanic Ritual Abuse and Multiple Personality Disorder, you can’t separate the two. Oh yes, Sandra Glenney is connected this subject as well through Dr. Joyanna Silberg who is a proponent of Multiple Personality Disorder. No serious mental health professional supports MPD , no serious attorney uses an expert who supports the theory. SIlberg supports it  and Glenney considers Silberg a very competent therapist. So you can come to your own conclusion about Sandra Glenney and her experts.

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Loudoun CPS – Child Abuse investigations , Sandra Glenney style


The above book “Has a child been molested” written by Patrick Clancy and Dr. Lee Coleman  is the guidebook you and your attorney  should use. The ebook can be downloaded here . Patrick Clancy and  Dr. Coleman are experts in defending false allegations of abuse, Dr. Coleman was a first hand witness the the McMartin scandal. The two are true and tried experts. Continue reading

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