Category Archives: sandra glenney

Sandra Glenny – Has technology put her strategy out of business


With the full knowledge that Sandra Glenney is retired, it is absolutely necessary not to let people forget her tactics. From withholding DNA testing evidence, blocking access to therapists notes and allowing people to freely perjure themselves without challenging their testimony.  The Loudoun County Judicial System must move forward and not backslide to the tactic’s employed by Sandra Glenney.

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Sandra Glenney – Hearsay Testimony



I am fully aware that Sandra Glenney is no longer an employee of Loudoun County. Her fingerprints still remain.  Her strategy leveraged alleged expert testimony, her experts scrape the bottom of the barrel.  I will say it again and again, no reputable therapists would ever testify for Loudoun County Child Protective Services.

Your attorney will need to prohibit the introduction of hearsay testimony. Why do this, simply because Glenney’s expert will speak for your child. This will be through the prism of her chosen therapists. You nor your attorney will have idea whether or not the therapist statements are truthful.

Other changes in legal procedures are even more far reaching.  The recent tendency to permit younger and younger children to testify by relaxing or amending the requirements for competency, and/or the use of closed circuit television (Spiegel, 1986) are two examples.  Another is the recent tendency of prosecutors to bring cases to criminal court which in the past might never have been pursued.  Even more disturbing is the stretching of hearsay laws, which now make admissible certain testimony from parents or professionals and/or the use of proxy testimony by an adult in the event the child is found not to be competent.  In most cases, however, it is the adversarial process itself which is most problematic for the expert witness.

It is very possible for your case to proceed without your child ever speaking a word in Court. Your attorney must stop this. Your attorney must be aggressive and willing to fight.  Your child will be interviewed countless times by Glenney’s chosen expert.


We all know Sandra Glenney was extremely dishonest and her experts  surpassed that dishonesty.



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Sandra Glenney and her witches coven


The therapists that employed by Sandra Glenney are akin to a witches coven; no one can get it and  you must conform to their beliefs. Have you ever wondered why Sandra Glenney tries so hard to appoint the therapist in a case or recommends a certain therapist. The below snippet will explain why.

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Loudoun County CPS – Decades behind the research



Laurie Warhol and Sandra Glenney, the ring leaders of Loudoun County Child Protective Services, are woefully behind the research as false accusations are concerned. They ascribe to the “Believe the Children” mantra. The mantra dictates that when children say they’ve been abused they are to be believed, however when children say nothing happened they are not to be believed.

There has been so much research to refute this, sadly it has fallen upon deaf ears as far as Warhol and Glenney are  concerned; they don’t know any of the research nor do any child protection workers. They more than likely have never read the research.  Thankfully, we have modern technology to overcome such ignorance. I am glad to provide links to 2 excellent podcasts Uncover and Conviction.


Both podcasts discuss the kickoff of the panic of the 80’s and 90’s, the professionals who perpetuated  it and the tactics involved.  Important to note, the mental health played a huge role in the sequence of events. Also discussed is the research that debunks that period of time.

Last not least, you will hear from the children who made false accusations and why. They were under immense pressure to accuse adults by social workers and therapists.




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Loudoun CPS – It is rotten to the core Sandra Glenney and Laurie Warhol



When it comes down to it, Laurie Warhol and Sandra Glenney are simply not equipped to be in their position.  They are allegedly the gatekeepers for Loudoun County Child Protective Services, which is a travesty. Any document that originates from their desk and email written by either person should be disregarded.

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Loudoun CPS – Judy Johnson


Very good podcast that describes the McMartin scandal  and the original accuser in the case ,Judy Johnson.  Judy Johnson had severe mental issues and a drinking problem but yet the accusations were given credence.

CPS and Sandra Glenney more  than likely have no knowledge of the McMartin case.

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Loudoun CPS – Sandra Glenney and the Witch Hunt


As long as Sandra Glenney remains in her position at the County Attorney’s Office, a  modern day Witch Hunt is only a call away. One false claim of abuse to CPS , Sandra Glenney and her chosen mental health professionals go to work. The strategy that Glenney employs is uncomfortably similar  to the Salem Witch Hunts.  In Glenney’s case the psychologists are  the equivalent of  modern day Puritans. They refuse to accept any refuting evidence, such as the case with Dr. Mary Lindahl.  Lindahl absolutely refuses to acknowledge a recantation.  Glenney and her team are all to willing to circumvent the legal system.


Lindahl, in a very specific case provided dubious testimony concerning recanting.  Glenney is all to willing to conduct her cases using the “Trial by ambush” method.  Glenney  had proven time and time again that she is unfit to be an Assistant County Attorney, she does not believe in a fair trial and rejects any criticism.  Her chosen psychologists are all to willing to provide misleading testimony.

The following document titled the Salem Syndrome precisely describes the Salem Syndrome as it pertains to false accusations of  abuse.  It is a good read and will assist those falsely accused in Loudoun to understand the mentality of Glenney and those who surround her.

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Loudoun CPS – The McMartin Scandal


As stated before, Sandra Glenney operates using strategies from 80’s and 90’s. The strategy is simple, stop contact between the parent and the child. Then give her personally chosen mental health professional access to your child to obtain a disclosure. The same strategy used during the Satanic Panic. From all research, Glenney appears to be in her 60′,  she was aware of the Satanic Panic and chose to believe it despite theg whole episode being debunked.  Below is the apology of a child who experienced the McMartin Scandal firsthand.


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Loudoun CPS – Dr. Maggie Bruck Science in the Courtroom

The below video is a lecture given by Dr. Maggie Bruck. Dr. Bruck is not a favorite of Sandra Glenney and Glenney’s mental health professionals. Dr. Bruck prefers to follow science and research, while Glenney and her experts assume that has abuse occurred.  The below video is an excellent resource.





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