Monthly Archives: February 2016

Loudoun CPS – Innocence Lost Part 4

Innocence Lost Part 4Innocence Lost Part 4

The final installment of the Innocence Lost documentary by Frontline.  The series of videos are a perfect example of how these types of cases are handled. Cases such as these always involve incompetent therapists , zealous prosecutors and children who have been badgered relentlessly into making false accusations.

I would encourage you to watch these videos and absorb how cases like these unfold.


Innocence Lost Part 4


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Loudoun CPS – Innocence Lost Part 2

Innocence Lost – Part 2

This is the second installment of the Frontline Series named “Innocence Lost”.  The case occurred in the early 90’s and is a blueprint of how sexual abuse accusations begin and are handled. The prosecutor in this case, is almost an exact copy of Loudoun’s own Sandra Glenney.

At play in this case, were incompetent therapists and misconduct on the part of the officials investigating the case.


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Loudoun County CPS – Innocence Lost

Frontline Innocence Lost

PBS Frontline did an incredible series titled “Innocence Lost” which documented the “The Little Rascals” daycare case in Edenton, NC.  The case is a blueprint for how false accusation cases are typically handled.  The core and essential ingredient to these types of cases are the therapists. Frontline did a total of 4, I will post the other videos shortly.

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