Sandra Glenney – Hearsay Testimony



I am fully aware that Sandra Glenney is no longer an employee of Loudoun County. Her fingerprints still remain.  Her strategy leveraged alleged expert testimony, her experts scrape the bottom of the barrel.  I will say it again and again, no reputable therapists would ever testify for Loudoun County Child Protective Services.

Your attorney will need to prohibit the introduction of hearsay testimony. Why do this, simply because Glenney’s expert will speak for your child. This will be through the prism of her chosen therapists. You nor your attorney will have idea whether or not the therapist statements are truthful.

Other changes in legal procedures are even more far reaching.  The recent tendency to permit younger and younger children to testify by relaxing or amending the requirements for competency, and/or the use of closed circuit television (Spiegel, 1986) are two examples.  Another is the recent tendency of prosecutors to bring cases to criminal court which in the past might never have been pursued.  Even more disturbing is the stretching of hearsay laws, which now make admissible certain testimony from parents or professionals and/or the use of proxy testimony by an adult in the event the child is found not to be competent.  In most cases, however, it is the adversarial process itself which is most problematic for the expert witness.

It is very possible for your case to proceed without your child ever speaking a word in Court. Your attorney must stop this. Your attorney must be aggressive and willing to fight.  Your child will be interviewed countless times by Glenney’s chosen expert.


We all know Sandra Glenney was extremely dishonest and her experts  surpassed that dishonesty.



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