Sandra Glenney and her therapist



As said many times before, in the absence of any physical evidence. Sandra Glenny will then rely heavily on her chosen therapists. Her chosen therapists are inclined to think one way, that way is that abuse occurred. The below article concerning the Little Rascals Case highlights the issue.

On page 5 of the article, the author, Dr. Moisy Shopper, makes the following statement.

The name children were sent to predominately four therapists. The therapists were not only overzealous and in certain ways, inadequately trained, but proceeded in an unethical fashion with the children. Reporting frequently to the district attorney’s office , they provided more names of children and adults and more specific allegations of abuse. These were not spontaneous name and allegations, but data specifically and persistently introduced by the therapists. The personal and familial issues were that the children brought into the so-called therapy were ignored. When the therapists addressed these issues it was done in a most simplistic and unhelpful way. The overall effect of the therapy was to instill fear in child and parent. From my review of the therapists notes of the 17 children, it was clear to me that the therapists were not involved in treating these children psychotherapeutically, but were in effect, agents of the prosecution in preparing children to testify falsely with credibility. Significantly, those parents who took their children to therapists in other communities or avoided these four therapists had no allegations of sexual abuse and their children were symptom free. In contrast, the children who provided stories of sexual abuse became increasingly symptomatic over time and their behavior become more disturbed.


This segment of the document fits Sandra Glenney perfectly, her therapists work for her. They have no interest in the well being of the child. They are looking for abuse. Please note that statement that the parents who took their children to other therapists did not have the same diagnosis.











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