Loudoun CPS – Do they suffer from groupthink?



Groupthink –  “Groupthink occurs when a group of well-intentioned people make irrational or non-optimal decisions that are spurred by the urge to conform or the discouragement of dissent.” When a team is operating in groupthink mode, it’ll shut down debate or alternative viewpoints.



It is known that Laurie Warhol and Sandra Glenney express religious affiliation. In my opinion religious folk are prone to groupthink.  More than likely Sandra Glenney is the chief manipulator within the Loudoun  County Child Protective Services Community. She does it behind the mantra of “best interests of the child“.  It is not to far fetched to believe that any disagreement with Glenney could jeopardize your job. Therefore   ,  even if a caseworker feels no abuse occurred, Glenney will not have any of it. The same applies to the psychologists that is employed by Glenney, they understand what there paid to do. There job is to find abuse.

Overall, Loudoun County is extensively a rural county and within a rural county science, studies and peer reviewed journals take time to penetrate the shield of ignorance that envelopes the county. Sandra Glenney is an advocate for the shield of ignorance to stay in place. Her salary depends upon that ignorance, her credibility depends upon that ignorance ; she will fight to keep that ignorance in place.


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