Sandra Glenney, the woeful Assistant County Attorney in Loudoun County, is an example of incompetence. The recent revelation of the Maret School Investigation reveals this. She was notified . Footnote 37 of the report says it all, Glenney took no action. She is the alleged defender of children, the protector of families. What non-sense she is a failed attorney who has to work on a Government Job.
“In 2017, the School reported to DC CFSA that Legg was working at a
high school in Loudoun County, Virginia, but was told that Loudoun County Child Protective Services would not open an investigation regarding abuse that occurred outside of Loudoun County. The School then reported to the Loudoun County Attorney’s Office and asked that they contact the high school where Legg was teaching, to notify them directly of the reports received”” An Assistant County Attorney for Loudoun County had suggested to the School that the victims themselves be encouraged to contact Rock Ridge High School, where Legg was teaching.”
The same goes for Laurie Warhol, she also failed to act. Again Laurie Warhol. the alleged protector of children, failed to act. She failed to simply pick up the phone and call the local school in Loudoun. They are both abysmal.