Sandra Glenney and her witches coven


The therapists that employed by Sandra Glenney are akin to a witches coven; no one can get it and  you must conform to their beliefs. Have you ever wondered why Sandra Glenney tries so hard to appoint the therapist in a case or recommends a certain therapist. The below snippet will explain why.

This from a review of the “Little Rascals Case”, notice the highlighted part. The children that did not go to the therapists selected by the prosecution team , did not report abuse. Isn’t that curious, I wonder why. The therapist that Sandra Glenney employs will keep questioning and pressuring your child to make claims until they do. A real therapist will listen to the child. Also note how the therapist reported to the DA often, same with Glenney. Her therapist will provide updates directly to Glenney often, they are aiding her.  You and your attorney needs to get every single note and file every single motion to have that therapist removed. You need to express the judge the therapist is not be trusted. The quacks the Sandra Glenney uses certainly cannot be trusted.



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