Author Archives: admin

Loudoun CPS – The article Sandra Glenney doesn’t want you to read


It is critical that you and your attorney learn from the previous cases and the hardships of those falsely  accused.  The case of Ray Spencer , the below article details the events of the case. Please checkout out the video that is provided in the article. As always there is withheld evidence in these types of cases, The Spencer case is over the top, again the case highlights the need for your attorney to get all notes and videos.  It all describes what false accusations  do to a child .

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Katies father went to prison for raping her and her brothers. It was an unthinkable crime that broke her family apart. So why couldnt she remember it?

Source: The Accusation


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Loudoun CPS – Dr. Maggie Bruck Science in the Courtroom

The below video is a lecture given by Dr. Maggie Bruck. Dr. Bruck is not a favorite of Sandra Glenney and Glenney’s mental health professionals. Dr. Bruck prefers to follow science and research, while Glenney and her experts assume that has abuse occurred.  The below video is an excellent resource.





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Loudoun CPS – Politics of Child Abuse


The above book “Politics of Child Abuse in America” which is a highly recommended read, precisely describes the Child Protective Services as an industry, it is an industry.  It pays quite a few people, most notably Sandra Glenney, the social workers and the psychotherapists that it employs. Due to Federal matching funds it is a lucrative industry. By every definition it is an industry, a very corrupt industry. The book adroitly points out that psychotherapists tend to gain the most. They tend to gain the most at the expense of innocent children and parents to pad their pockets.

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Loudoun CPS – Child Abuse Hysteria

Excellent and informative video concerning the most high profile cases during the Child Abuse Hysteria. You and your attorney need to watch this , Loudoun CPS currently uses interview techniques from this time period and research. Your attorney needs to obtain copies of course CWS2031 to illustrate their training. The training is antiquated and woefully out of date.






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Loudoun CPS – Sandra Glenney, CPS depend on hearsay testimony


One very typical aspect of a false accusation case is the overwhelming use of hearsay testimony. It comes in the shape of the testimony of the CPS and Sandra Glenney chosen psychologist. The psychologist will testify to what your child allegedly said in therapy. However prior to this, this same professional, a perfect example of this is Dr. Mary Lindahl, will testify that your child will be to traumatized to be present in Court,  This results in the inability of you and your attorney to question your child. This is by design, completely by design. Sandra Glenney wants the psychologist to be the filter to be heard in Court.

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Loudoun CPS – Sandra Glenney doesn’t know the research



Generally speaking, defeating Sandra Glenney in court should be somewhat simple. Glenney doesn.t  any of the research.  The case of Margaret Kelly Michaels exemplifies what is wrong with the Child Protective Service industry and it is an industry. The following link does a great job of describing the case, it is actually a judicial ruling.  The following is a critical statement from the ruling:

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