Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 14-10-2018 12:55
Sandra Glenney’s key weapon in her limited arsenal is the expert witness. Expert is used very loosely here. As far as her expert witness is concerned you must the ”scorched earth” policy and discredit her expert witness. Typically, the expert witness will be lower tier. No one reputable would testify for here.
Your attorney must know how to attack their diagnosis and their methods. The attached document provides useful links and guidance. Take the case of Dr. Mary Lindahl. who knowingly withheld critical information from the court. She was in step with Sandra Glenney every step of the way. With someone like Lindahl it is critical to get her notes and scrutinize her methods. She will conceal critical facts in the case.
Below are list of professions whose work you and your attorney should be familiar with. Attack Glenney’s junk science with real science. You will Glenney bumble when confronted with real science.
Dr. Lee Coleman (from the McMartin Trial)
Dr. James Wood jwood@miners.utep.edu
Dr. Maggie Bruck mbruck1@jhmi.edu
Dr. Demosthenese Lorandos https://psychlaw.net/attorneys/