Dorothy Rabinowitz – From the Mouths of Babe



Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 16-07-2016 14:07


A well written paper by Dorothy Rabinowitz that discusses the horrendous cases of the 80’s and 90’s. It also discusses the beliefs of the therapists who enabled these events to happened.

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One thought on “Dorothy Rabinowitz – From the Mouths of Babe

  1. JP Merzetti

    “Insurance companies for nursery schools paid out millions to the families of many of these children, money that was supposed to cover the near lifetime therapy the children were said to require as victims of traumatic sex abuse.”
    Stumbled upon this little nugget while researching various witch hunt cases online. Researching while reading No Crueler Tyrannies.
    For a nose that loves to follow the money, I find that quote above fascinating. Families so willing to be duped into believing that their children had been horrifically abused. I find it fascinating also, that out of hundreds of articles, transcripts, books and video clips as well as tv documentaries – NO-ONE ever mentioned this. That there was indeed, a financial incentive to go ahead and destroy the lives of hundreds of accused innocents. Sacrifices upon the altar of free enterprise, Vegas crapshooting free money for nothing – because of course, it’s an embarrassing thing to admit, isn’t it? That the supposed victims in need of protection were in fact, USED in this way.


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