Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 13-04-2018 0:18
The document ”A follow up to the San Diego Grand Jury report” could easily read Loudoun County Child Protective Services. The issues described in the document are prevalent here. As an example , the professionals that are employed by San Diego sound very familiar to those who are employed by Loudoun CPS and Sandra Glenney. The professionals have an agenda , that is to help CPS build their case with fabricated evidence. As in Sand Diego, the Loudoun Board of Supervisors do nothing to correct the issue.
”The staff of these organizations appear to lack objectivity and allow themselves to be entangled in CPS misconduct for their own financial gain.
Instead of helping children, they aim to help CPS. These are two very different goals. The first is to help children recover from any trauma that may have occurred, the second is often to traumatize children and brainwash them to assist CPS is generating evidence falsely to be used against CPS’s chosen targets, even if their targets did nothing illegal.
CPS and law enforcement feed incomplete and biased information to therapists who are supposed to be helping children. Often truly abusive parents have engaged in brainwashing tactics on their children, also, hoping to help build false accusations against the other parent. These behaviors all result in the focus of the therapy being on building a CPS or criminal case often against a parent who did not do anything illegal, not discovering what really happened or did not happen and helping the children deal with it. Accused parents are not provided the opportunity to talk with these therapists or to find out what is being discussed, even though it may be substantially inaccurate.