Miscoding and False Memories



Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 11-03-2019 1:42



If for one moment, you believe that someone of the low caliber of Sandra Glenney is aware of the latest research of any kind ,think again. She is more suited  to practice in a Courtroom in Salem in 1692 than a modern day Courtroom.  The attached document does an excellent job of stating the issues with memory, especially in small children.  This is research, Glenney doesn’t care about research, her type never well. She is a poorly trained attorney , who more than likely really needs her government job.

Commenting on Dr. Ceci’s findings, Dr. Moscovitch said, ”Young children may be led into concocting memories so easily because their frontal lobes are immature. Until age 7 or 8, children respond to neurological tests like adults with frontal lobe damage.”

The article reflects research conducted in the 90’s. This type of research put an end to the Satanic Panic of the 80’s. Glenney simply cannot understand it.  The article expertly reports on how malleable memory is and how some very incompetent therapists can contaminate memories. You need to know this research if your are dealing with Glenney.











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