Report 8 – San Diego County Grand Jury Report Child Sexual Abuse Issues



Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 26-08-2018 14:49



Another report from the San Diego Grand Jury, a critical point made by the grand jury is the following (page 23). Keep in mind , to date no special grand jury has been called to investigate the practices of Sandra Glenney or Loudoun County Child Protective Services.  Sandra Glenney is a believer. She simply doesn’t understand the science behind false allegations operates.

”Of particular interest is the information the Jury
received about the Little Rascals pre-school case in North
Carolina. Eighty-five percent of the children received therapy
with three therapists in the town; all of these children
eventually reported satanic abuse. Fifteen percent of the
children were treated by different therapists in a neighboring
city; none of these children reported abuse of any kind after
the same period of time in therapy.”

What is chilling in the statement is the correlation between a therapist who is a believer and a reasonable therapist. In the ”Little Rascals Case” 85% of the children received therapy from specific therapists. All of these children reported abuse.

The children who received therapy from outside therapists did not report abuse; get the connection. The  following statement should be taken to heart by you and your attorney.

”Testimony given by children after a year
in therapy with therapists who are ”believers” should be treated
with deep skepticism.”

This does not concern Glenney at all. she is a proponent of repressed memory.  The child will stay in therapy as long as required to produce a disclosure.  You and your attorney need to vigorously oppose any therapists chosen by Glenney.



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