Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 16-10-2016 18:05
Informative video that descries how therapists, mainly those utilized by CPS induce false memories into their patients.
Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 16-10-2016 18:05
Informative video that descries how therapists, mainly those utilized by CPS induce false memories into their patients.
The above book “Has a child been molested” written by Patrick Clancy and Dr. Lee Coleman is the guidebook you and your attorney should use. The ebook can be downloaded here . Patrick Clancy and Dr. Coleman are experts in defending false allegations of abuse, Dr. Coleman was a first hand witness the the McMartin scandal. The two are true and tried experts. Continue reading
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Last Updated: 15-10-2016 2:03
A must read for you and your attorney written by Patrick Clancy and Dr. Lee Coleman. Dr. Coleman was at the infamous McMartin trial , both gentlemen are experts in defending false accusations. Your attorney should follow their advice provided in this book.
Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 13-10-2016 2:07
The attached article written by Dr. Richard Gardner lists the views and procedures of a typical CPS worker. The views and procedures are antiquated and simply incompetent. Dr. Gardner writes a very compelling article that will assist you in your case.
The infamous Benjamin Smith exemplifies the type of social worker that Dr. Richard Gardner describes in the following article. The point cannot be stressed enough that the social workers for Loudoun County are poorly trained. Dr. Gardner is correct in using the tern abuse validators instead of investigators, from the article.
There is financial gain for a therapist in testifying for Loudoun Child Protective Services. The going rate is approximately $150 per hour for an extended period of time. It is difficult for a therapist to do the right thing if their business models depends on a constant flow of referrals from Loudoun CPS and Sandra Glenney. Why Dr. Mary Lindahl withheld a child’s retractions from the Court and CPS is an interesting question. She more than likely knew that Sandra Glenney did not want to be distracted by facts.
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Last Updated: 10-10-2016 0:33
Very detailed article by Wakefield and Underwager concerning the personality traits of falsely accusing parents. The parents who makes false accusations typically suffer from sever personality disorders. This paper details traits of a false accuser.
[From The Village Voice, January 12, 1990. Reprinted in Women and Other Aliens: Essays from the U.S.-Mexico Border, El Paso: Cinco Puntos Press, 1991. Copyright 1990 by Debbie Nathan. Reposted here with explicit permission of Debbie Nathan. Direct reposting requests to mc@ncrj.org.]
The eight kids sitting in Geraldo Rivera’s New York studio after the first McMartin trial ended could have stepped out of a candy bar commercial on Saturday morning TV. They gleamed with the healthy tans, shopping-mall clothes, and moussed sun-bleached hair of the southern California suburbs; their parents looked equally affluent. But these families were far from cheerful. “We were molested,” a strapping blond teenager told the audience solemnly, “and that’s an honest-to-God fact.” When some of the children – most of them by now adolescents – described suffering flashbacks and night terrors, their mothers quietly dabbed at tears. Other parents seemed angry and driven. “The parents and children standing up here will not stop,” said Marymae Cioffi, who since the beginning of the case had been organizing to convince the public and the courts that bizarre sex abuse claims at places like the McMartin preschool should be believed
Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 05-10-2016 20:19
The attached CPS note, which has been partially redacted to protect the innocent, clearly demonstrates the distorted thinking of Dr. Mary Lindahl and Loudoun County Child Protective Services.
As you can read, Dr. Lindahl is %100 sure that abuse occurred. She interprets any behavior of a child as sexualized behavior. This is typical of what occurred during the Satanic Panic of the 80’s. A therapist became convinced that a child was abused and conducted therapy accordingly, this is what Dr. Mary Lindahl did in this case. This case is unique it happens consistently with CPS.
Dr. Lindhal has a very negative view of the father and the child detects this. The way Dr. Lindahl conducted herself is pretty disgusting..
It is important to subpoena all notes from Child Protective Services and the psychologist who testifies for CPS. Dr. Lindahl provides and excellent example of why all notes should be subpoenaed and the very distorted thinking of CPS psychologists.
As stated before, as it is a very true statement. The mechanism that enables the Loudoun County Child Protective Services machine to grind away at families are the psychologists that will testify for CPS and Sandra Glenney. In addition , the therapists that perform reunification therapy for CPS or treat a child has one goal, that is to terminate the relationship between the child and the parent. Dr. Lindahl in recent case performed the role of a CPS psychologists to a tee. She followed the wished and instructions of Sandra Glenney perfectly.