Potential Indicators of Child Sexual Abuse (according to CPS’ documentation)



Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 19-07-2016 0:16


Suggestibility of Children’s Memory (Dr. Maggie Bruck/ Dr. Stephen Cici)



Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 18-07-2016 23:15


The seminal work in the study of Child Suggestibility Research. You and your attorney must know and use this study to refute what the expert witness from CPS will testify to.

CPS alleged offender interview



Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 17-07-2016 19:18


The alleged offender interview guidelines that are followed by Loudoun County CPS workers.  The document reveals the CPS assumes that abuse has indeed occurred.

Loudoun CPS – The “alleged offender” interview


The attached document , illustrates the mentality of Loudoun County Child Protective Services.  The document  provides guidance on how to conduct an interview with the “alleged offender”. As you can read, the purpose of the interview is to obtain a confession. The assumption is that abuse has already occurred. It is vitally important that you notify your attorney of all threats made to you by the detective and the social worker.  It also critical that you get all tapes of your interview. Your interview will be taped whether it be audio or visual, it will be taped.

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Dorothy Rabinowitz – From the Mouths of Babe



Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 16-07-2016 14:07


A well written paper by Dorothy Rabinowitz that discusses the horrendous cases of the 80’s and 90’s. It also discusses the beliefs of the therapists who enabled these events to happened.

Dr. Colin Ross testimony, member and past president of the ISSTD (Sandra Glenney)



Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 12-07-2016 0:54


Useful transcript that contains the testimony of Dr. Colin Ross, It illustrates the beliefs of the ISSTD, the organization that Sandra Glenney pulls her therapists from.

Loudoun CPS – Sandra Glenney is even more bizrarre

Sandra Glenney and her willingness to use therapists from the ISSTD is even more disturbing when you fully grasp the beliefs of that organization. A current member and former president , Dr. Colin Ross is a controversial figure to say the least. Dr. Colin testified in the case of Billy Joe Harris for the defense, Dr. Ross attempted to testify that Mr. Harris committed a rape while under a different personality as he allegedly  suffered from Multiple Personality Disorder. The cross examination of Dr. Ross begins n page 57 of the following transcript. 

It is  a good transcript to study to gt a feel of how to question a hired gun mental health professional.

Loudoun CPS – Effects of repeated questioning


From the excellent documentary Innocence Lost , the below article discusses the issue with repeated questioning of a child.  I recommend paying close attention to the mother’s questioning of the child prior to the child speaking with a therapist. It illustrates how children change their mind after repeated questioning.  A child will attempt to satisfy the adults when questioned repeatedly.


In the Little Rascals case, there are no electronic recordings of the initial interviews with the children. On the basis of the available evidence, it seems that many children denied during initial interviews that anything sexual had happened. Some of the children talked about hitting or spanking in the day-care center, but they mainly made these claims about other children (in the next chapter, on stereotype induction, we will address these reports of hitting in more detail). The only child who made any statements that may have been indicative of abuse was Carl P. But this was not the first time that Carl had been questioned. His mother had been questioning him since at least the beginning of December; initially, he had denied any wrongdoing at the center, although he later said that Mr. Bob had played “doctor” with some of his friends, but not with him

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Loudoun CPS – In Depth article concerning false accusations during custody disputes

Sexual Abuse Allegations in Divorce and Custody Disputes

Hollida Wakefield, M.A. and Ralph Underwager, Ph.D.*

Child sexual abuse allegations arising during divorce and custody conflicts are complicated and difficult.  Most professionals believe that the highest percentage of false allegations occurs in this circumstance, but there is disagreement over just how many of these allegations are false.  In evaluating cases of suspected sexual abuse, the professional must remain open and objective, carefully examine each case, and take an empirical stance.  Assessment and evaluation must be done with rigorous adherence to the highest standards of the profession, and professionals must attend to the characteristics of real versus false allegations.  They must not immediately dismiss an allegation as false because the parents are in the midst of a divorce but must also guard against presuming guilt and aligning themselves with the reporting parent’s agenda.

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