Child Suggestibility Part 3
Child Suggestibility Part 4
Child Suggestibility Part 2
Child Suggestibility Part1
Loudoun CPS – Trial Advice, Sandra Glenney and CPS do not know the research
Techniques for interviewing children in child sexual abuse cases
First point to remember during a CPS hearing is that the social workers/investigators are poorly trained. The second point to remember is that Sandra Glenney will not hire any “expert witness” who may be inclined to believe the latest research in Child Suggestibility. This is not intended to be a derogatory remark, the people who make up Loudoun County Child Protective Services are operation with a very 80’s mentalities. The “Believe the Child” mantra is alive and well with Loudoun CPS . During the Satanic Panic and daycare cases of the 80’s and 90’s the mantra for most Child Protection Agencies was “believe the children”. For the residents of Salem in the 1600’s this had fatal consequences,as it was children who levied the accusations of witchcraft in Salem.
Techniques for interviewing children in child sexual abuse cases
Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 29-05-2016 0:44
More research on Child Suggestibility and issues with child abuse abuse investigations
Issues with the Child Abuse Accommodation Syndrome
Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 22-05-2016 18:45
The Child Abuse Accommodation Syndrome , which is taught by Loudoun CPS, has serious scientific flaws. The attached video does an excellent job of explaining the issues with the Child Abuse Accommodation Syndrome. Loudoun CPS workers are trained to accept this theory as fact. You and your attorney need to question the Loudoun CPS worker aggressively concerning this theory.
Trial by Therapy
Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 11-05-2016 1:58
Very good article describing how therapists are utilized to obtain a disclosure. The most concerning issue is that the therapist believes abuse has occurred and therefore enters therapy with the goal of obtaining a disclosure.
The McMartin Hoax
Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 03-05-2016 1:42
Useful and educational article by Dr. Lee Coleman. He lists the problems with the Child Abuse Accommodation Syndrome.